Carpets InterRoyal Thai

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Monday May 17, 2021

ANZAC Retirement Village

Product: Carpets Inter EcoSoft® carpet tiles - Breaking Ground Omo & Flatlands Omo

Sustainability: The EcoSoft® carpet tiles contain 44,000 recycled PET bottles (diverting them from landfill and the ocean). 

Installer: Choices Balgowlah

Monday May 17, 2021

Workit Spaces

Product: Carpets Inter EcoSoft® carpet tiles - Beton Pozzolana

Sustainability: The EcoSoft® carpet tiles contain 35,000 recycled PET bottles (diverting them from landfill and the ocean). 


"We absolutely love our EcoSoft carpet. The carpet is an amazing initiative to showcase how we can recycle and reuse what was once single-use plastic like PET recycled bottles to turn it into a beautiful interior design finish! At Workit Spaces, our mission is to enable sustainable businesses to thrive by creating innovative ecosystems. We're determined to go carbon neutral across our ever-growing network of business hubs, SaaS platform and fulfilment centres. By using the EcoSoft carpet, we've been able to incorporate environmental sustainability into our eCommerce hubs. We believe everyone plays a vital role in reducing the impacts of climate change and using materials like the EcoSoft carpet to furnish our hubs is a great way to be reminded of how we can repurpose, recycle, reuse and reduce waste." Sonia at Workit Spaces

Thursday April 15, 2021

Damstra & Top Shelf International

Product: Carpets Inter EcoSoft® carpet tiles - Breaking Waves – OTO – Black Pearl, Grey Seal and Ice Floe.

Sustainability: The EcoSoft® carpet tiles contain 20,000 recycled PET bottles (diverting them from landfill and the ocean). 

Design: Kontract Interiors

Installer: Rick Tas

Product: Carpets Inter EcoSoft® carpet tiles - Croplands Clay & Chili Clay

Installer: Guyetts Carpet Services

Sustainability: The EcoSoft® carpet tiles contain 13,000 recycled PET bottles (diverting them from landfill and the ocean). 

Product: Carpets Inter EcoSoft® carpet tiles - Beton Strata, Screed

Installer: Stahmers Flooring

Sustainability: The EcoSoft® carpet tiles contain 700,000 recycled PET bottles (diverting them from landfill and the ocean). 

Friday October 16, 2020

The Granville Centre

Product: Carpets Inter EcoSoft® carpet tiles - Breaking Waves Over the Ocean Shoreline

Design: dwp design
Installer: Master Carpets

Sustainability: The EcoSoft® carpet tiles contain 55,000 recycled PET bottles (diverting them from landfill and the ocean).

Monday September 28, 2020


Product: Royal Thai Custom Carpet

Architect: Jackson Teece

Friday August 28, 2020

Shire Doctors & Dentists

Product: Carpets Inter EcoSoft® carpet tiles - Croplands Clay, Okra Clay, Blueberry Clay, Flatlands Sapo & Mucusso

Designer: Perfect Practice

Installer: Lomac Commercial Flooring

Sustainability: The installation of EcoSoft® carpet tiles contains 10,500 recycled PET bottles, diverting them from landfill and the ocean. 

Thursday August 27, 2020

Realm Apartments

Product: Royal Thai Custom Rugs

Architect: Elenberg Fraser


Tuesday July 28, 2020

Banyule Flats Sports Pavilion

Product: Carpets Inter EcoSoft® plank carpet tiles – Tavola Nero, Arancio & Grigio
Designer: Cassisi Architects

Installer: Floorcom

Sustainability: This installation of EcoSoft® carpet tiles contains 7,500 recycled PET bottles diverting them from landfill and the ocean.